C6 Moblie Slewing Crane Licence

  • $1450
  • 5 Day Course

1300 881 842

Nationally Recognised Training
C6 Mobile Slewing Training Course

FHV is one of NSW’s greatest providers of Mobile Slewing Crane Licencing. Licences provided include but not limited to CV, CN, C6, C0. Don’t forget to click over to our dogging and rigging information.

Even though dogging is not a pre-requisite to cranes anymore, our prices will entice you.

Course Overview

This unit specifies the outcomes required to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 60 tonnes) for licensing purposes. It encompasses the requirement for the slewing mobile crane up to 20 tonnes, nonslewing mobile crane licence and the vehicle loading crane licence.

Course Outcomes

By undertaking this course, participants will gain the skills and knowledge required to obtain a Safework Licence. Upon successful completion of learning activities, participants will progress to assessment by a Safework NSW assessor for their licensing test.

Participants will receive training in the following skills and knowledge areas;

  • Planning work
  • Conducting routine checks
  • Calculations
  • Whistles and hand signals
  • Hazard identification
  • Crane set up and transferring loads
  • Reading load charts
After successful completion of the Safework Licencing assessment the applicant will receive a national statement of attainment and a safe work Notice of satisfactory assessment.



Pre-requisites and entry requirements

There are no formal prerequisites for this unit of competency.

Candidates must be 18 years and over to participate in this course.
Persons wishing to undertake this course need to have the physical capacity to carry out the work safely.
Basic literacy and
numeracy skills are also required for successful completion.

To enter the course, participants must wear steel capped boots, long pants and safety shirt or vest.

If a participant fails to bring 100 points of identification a rebooking fee of $250 will be charged for assessment to be rescheduled

Applying for your HRW licence

HRW Licences are valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

To apply for your HRW licence, you must lodge your HRW assessment paperwork and application form at an Australia Post outlet together with a passport sized photo and pay the prescribed processing fee within 60 days of completion of your final HRW assessment.

Failure to lodge your paperwork on time will result in you being an unlicensed operator and further training and/or assessing fees will apply after the 60day period to be re-issued with a new Notice of satisfactory assessment certificate(NSA).